السبت، 26 سبتمبر 2020

 بنات شباب  يا جماعة ساعدوني انا بنت من الطبقة المتوسطة والدي ما نو هون هو برا البلد و بسبب كورونا ناقدر يجي احنا من فلسطين عايشين بالجزائر فتحت هي القناة لطلع مصروفي الخاص بس هذا الشي اذا و صلت الف مشترك فما فوق بس مين بدو يساعدني الا لي مهتمين لفيديوهات عن الحزن و الفرخ و الكرامة و الخداع حب خيانة كيوت و كل هذا موجود على قناتي بدي منكم تشتركو في قناة مشان عيلتنا تكبر و جزاكم الله خيرا و شكرا

الجمعة، 31 يوليو 2020

A sad love story whose ending is very painful

Blanch's picture 

Once upon a time in Paris, a girl called Blanche loved a young lawyer and she faced her mother in this relationship, but the mother categorically refused, because she knows Blanche that she is a teenager and knows nothing about love except in stories, novels and happy endings, and she never left her room and does not know what awaits her Abroad
All Blanche’s attempts to persuade her mother and her brother who was next to his mother did not help, and Blanche faced her mother that she and her boyfriend would run away from home. Blanche disappeared the next day. The mother called the police and went to her lover and said to them, “I don’t know anything about it and it was Confident in himself and they did not find it anywhere and it took a year and two years until twenty five years and they found Blanche and it was
Hidden in a small room in the house, which weighed about 30 kilometers, and the police discovered that it was the mother and brother who had defeated her, the police arrested the brother and the mother, and the mother died in prison after a month of heart attack and the brother was sentenced to 15 years in prison

Conclusion . Exaggerating fear leads to death

There is a story about longing if you want to tell me in the comments

;And there is a video of longing, watch it and send it to all your loved ones


الثلاثاء، 28 يوليو 2020

The one who does not sleep easily

Once upon a time, sleeping was easy, once the lights disappeared, the eyes slept, but today when we turn off the light until we sleep, the heart wakes up from its hibernation, so each of us has a corner in his heart filled with pain so there are those who perished from him longing and cried long and then slept
There are those who regretted the trust he had given to those who did not deserve it, and he blamed himself and blamed him
And there were those who suffered the biggest shock in his life, so he lost the ability to sleep and speak
And there are those who are pregnant who are not suitable for their youngest age at a time when they were supposed to live in the sweetest days, fluctuating in bed and tears drenching the place

الاثنين، 27 يوليو 2020

The most beautiful short story about the meaning of true love ❤

one day ,
The girl asked: Am I beautiful?
And the answer of the young man was: No
Then I asked will you stay with me forever
His answer: No
Then I asked him whether to cry if she left
His answer: No
I heard a lot of the word "no".
She had to leave while she was going, grabbed her hands
He told her that you are not beautiful, you are wonderful
Then he said: "I do not want to stay, but I am who I want to be with you forever."
Then he said I will not cry if I leave, but rather I will die

There is a video of betrayal click
Like please

الخميس، 16 يوليو 2020

The story of the king and his four wives

Once, he had four wives, and he loved his fourth wife, most of them. He wore the best clothes, treats her the best, treats her enormously and gives her everything she needs

He also loved the third wife, and was proud of her and would love to share it with her in front of his friends because she was beautiful and smart

 He loved the second wife, so she was always respectful and patient, and the king trusted her, and took refuge in her troubles and difficult times.

 As for the first wife, although she was a faithful partner to him, and had an important role in preserving his wealth and work, and on top of that there was an interest in household affairs, and thus she did not like her much and loved him very much.

On the day the king fell ill, he realized that he would die, and the king thought a little. He said: I have four wives today, but when I die alone, he asked his fourth wife
And he said . I loved you so much and put on the most luxurious clothes that I took care of and now I die Do you follow me and save me from feeling lonely?

She said: How can I do that is impossible and there is no point in trying to walk without a word
We cut off the king's heart a lot and asked the third wife,
I loved you so much, my life. Do you follow me and save me from loneliness?
The third wife replied, "No, it's impossible. She said that life is good and I will marry another man instead of you when you die."

The king's heart increased and he asked the second wife. I have always looked for help and always helped me. Now I need help again. Are you following me until my death? Do you continue to partner with me?

The second wife replied, "I'm sorry, I won't be able to help you this time."
And increased and increased the king's wound
And when he heard a voice saying: "I will go with you, dear, I will leave the earth and do not care where we go, I will always be with you."

The king looked around to find the source of the sound, as she had the first wife who was completely bleeding and suffering from malnutrition and starvation, and the king said, crying, I should have 
cared for you when I could

Lessons learned
The fourth wife, no matter who cares about death, leaves you
The third wife is our money and possessions
The second wife is our friends and family
The first wife is our life and our soul

الثلاثاء، 14 يوليو 2020

The story of the Five Sisters

The story of the Five Sisters

A man whose wife died and left five daughters for him and four men offered him to marry, so he wanted to marry his eldest daughter, then the next daughter, then the next, and the next, but the older daughter refused marriage and wanted to stay with her father and serve him. The husband's husband has four sisters

The old girl sat taking care of her father until his death
After the death of the father, the testament competed and they were found written in it, "Do not sell the house until your older sister who sacrificed her happiness for the sake of your happiness is married."
But the four sisters refused the will and wanted to sell the house and each one takes their inheritance share, without taking into account where their older sister has no shelter but God

When their sister felt it was inevitable to split the house, she called a man who bought the house and told him the story of her father’s will, and that she had no home other than this house that houses her

I asked him to be patient for a few months to find a house, so the man agreed and said to her (well, you don't have to)
The house was sold and the house was divided among the five girls, and each one went to her husband's house in a very happy way, and one of them did not think about the fate of their older sister, but she always had hope

Months passed and the older sister got a call from the homeowner and was scared and thought he would drive her out of the house.

When he came to her she said: "Sorry, I have not found a home yet."
He said, "No, no, I didn't come for that."
But I came to hand you a paper from the court. I gave you this house as a dowry, if you turn me as a husband, and if you do not accept in either case this house is yours, and it is your right.
The older sister cried a lot
She agreed to marry a wealthy merchant and lived with the sweetest life

الاثنين، 13 يوليو 2020

The story of the poor shepherd And the rich man

The story of the poor shepherd And the rich man

A poor Ray guarded the rich man's sheep and gave him his wages every day for $ 5
On the day the rich wanted to travel, he had to sell all his possessions before traveling and sold the sheep, and the shepherd gave a large sum of his wages throughout these years.
But the sponsor did not accept and insisted that he only take $ 5, that is, his fees
He went to his house, kept his wages, and started looking for work, but he found no job
One day, a man told him that there is a merchant in this village, takes money abroad, buys goods and brings them to the country
So he went to the merchant and gave him the money in his possession of $ 5
The merchant laughed and laughed at him
He told him what he bought for five dollars
shepherd. Anything with this money
The merchant. Listen, I work with big merchants and this money does nothing
Shepherd, it's okay
The merchant went and bought all the villagers ’demands and left him for $ 5, and found nothing and found a little cat and bought it

When he returned to the country, he found a small village, so he went to him to rest, and the villagers took care of that cat. They went to the merchant and wanted to buy the cat and asked him to sell it
 And he said. You need with this cat
The villagers. We want this cat because there are mice eating our crop and we need this cat for help while we were looking for a cat for a long time
The merchant. But this cat is not mine
Villagers . We will give you the weight of the cat in gold
He was forced to sell it and returned to his country and gave all the rights of the people. When the shepherd came, he did not accept to give him his things before he broke the story of the $ 5, so the sponsor told him and the merchant cried a lot.

Conclusion If you are patient and take the money for which you are tired, that is your reward

السبت، 13 يونيو 2020

Souffle With White Cheese

                                   A cup of milk                            
          A cup of oil
A small spoon of salt     
And a quantity of flour       
Bread yeast

How to make

Put the milk, oil, salt and mixture well, then add a little flour until the mixture becomes homogeneous, then let it rest for five minutes.
As for the stuffing, we come with an onion and minced meat, they fry together, then let it rest

We come in a circle shape and open the medium-thickness dough, print the circles and put in the center of the circle a tablespoon of stuffing and a piece of white cheese and close on the dough with a fork and over an egg and over it is placed in the oven at a temperature of 180 °

Thank you         

الثلاثاء، 9 يونيو 2020

وزارة الكهرباء ; زيادة اسعار الاكهرباء بنسبة 19,9

الدكتور محمد شاكر وزير الكهرباء و الطاقة المتجددة 

أعلنت وزارة الكهرباء و الطاقة المتجددة , يوم الثلاثاء ,المرحلة السابعة من تعريف استهلاك الكهرباء للقطاع المنزلي للعام المالي 2020/2021 بحيث سيتم زيادة الاسعار بنحو 19,1%  بنحو 76.7 قرش                                                                 

و قال الدكتور محمد شاكر وزير الكهرباء ,ان خطة ترشيد الكهرباء, بدأت  في 2014 و كان يجب الانتهاء في 2019 بشكل كامل , و محاسبة المواطن التكلفة بسعر كيلو وات 

اضاف خلال المؤتمر زيادة ارتفاع الاسعار , و وجه  الرئيس عبد الفتاح السيسي مد خطة  الرفع الدعم الى 8 سنوات بدل من 5 لتخفيف عن المواطنين و بالفعل قام  الوزارة رفع الدعم الى غاية يوليو 2021                                                                     
شرائح الكهرباء للسنة 2020 و 2021 كالتالي ;                                                  الشريحة الاولى من الصفر الى 50 كيلو وات (38 قرش)
الشريحة الثانيةمن 51 الى 100 كيلو وات ( 48 قرش)   
الشريحة الثالثة من 200 كيلو وات( 65 قرش) 
الشريحة الرابعة من 201 الى 350 كيلو وات   ( 96 قرش)
الشريحة الخامسة من351 الى 650 كيلو وات ( 118 قرش)
الشريحة السادسة من 651 الى الف كيلو وات ( 140 قرش)
الشريحة السابعة تزيد اكثر من 1000 كيلو وات ( 145 قرش)


الأحد، 7 يونيو 2020

اعراض فيروس كورونا و الوقاية منه

نعاني في هذه الايام من اصعب ايام حياتنا و كل هذا بسبب الفيروس المنتشر المسمى كورونا كوفيد

ماهو فيروس كورونا !:

فيروسات كورنا هي سلاسلة واسعة بمختلف  المرض التي تصيب الانسان و الحيوان ,و البعض منها تسبب للانسان امراض نفسية تتراوح حدتها من نزلات البرد الشائعة الى الامراض الاشد و الخامة مثل متلازمة  الشرق الاوسط التنفسية (ميرس ) و المتلازمة التنفسية الحادة الوخيمة (سارس) و اخر فيروس هو فيروس كورونا كوفيد 19

ما هو مرض كوفيد 19

مرض كوفيد و اخر سلسة من سلسلة كورونا تم اكتشافه و لم يكن له اي اثر حتى بدء في الانتشار في مدينة ووهان الصينية في ديسمبر 2019 و انتشر في العديد من الدول  خاصة ايطاليا و افريقيا

اعراض الفيروس: 

تتمثل اعراضه في الحمى و و الارهاق و السعال الجاف ,و الصداع و اللم الحلق و الاسهال و فقد حاسة الشم و الذوق و ظهور طفح و يتاثر بها العجائز و الاطفال بنسبة كبيرة لان تكون لهم مناعة قليلة  اما المراهقون نسبة صغيرة

كيف تعرف انك مصاب: 

اذا كانت اعراضك خفيفة , مثل الكحة البسيطة او الحمى الطفيفة فلا داعي الى القلق او استدعاء طبيب ,يجب ان تبقى في المنزل و ان تعزل نفسك  و اذا كنت تعيش في مكان في ناس مصابة بالحمى فيجب استدعاء طبيب و يجب ارتداء كمامة و حافظ على مسافة اكثر من متر بين الاخرين

كيف ينتشر المرض :

ينتشر المرض عبر الهواء كاللعطس او السعل او التكلم  و ايضا  باللمس

كيف تمنع انتشار المرض: 

  • واضب على غسل اليدين بالصابون او معقم   لمدة 20 ثانية كل نصف ساعة على الاقل
  • حافظ على مسافة متر واحد بينك و بين الاخرين 
  • تجنب الاماكن المزدحمة  
  • تجنب لمس انفك و فمك 
  • ارتداء كمامات و قفازات عند الخروج 

السبت، 6 يونيو 2020

حقيقة انفصال شيرين عبد الوهاب من زوجها

تداول عدد من نشطاء مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي خبر خلاف بين الفنانة المصرية شيرين عبدالوهاب وزوجها المطرب حسام حبيب، وبلغ الأمر بينهما إلى التراشق بالألفاظ والمطالبة بالانفصال وتدخل الفنان أحمد سعد للصلح بينهما. 
وكانت انتشرت شائعات على مواقع التواصل تفيد بوقوع صدام عنيف وقع بين الزوجين في فيلا حسام حبيب بمدينة الرحاب، شرقي القاهرة، وبلغ الأمر بينهما إلى حد التراشق بالألفاظ وطلبت شيرين الانفصال، إلا أن المطرب أحمد سعد تدخل للصلح بينهما بسبب علاقة الصداقة القوية التي تربطهم به منذ الدراسة في معهد الموسيقى.
عد انتشار الخبر، خرج حسام حبيب عن صمته ونفى الواقعة عبر حسابه الشخصي على موقع تويتر ونشر الآية القرآنية الكريمة: "فِي قُلُوبِهِم مَّرَضٌ فَزَادَهُمُ اللَّهُ مَرَضًا". فيما كتبت شيرين عبر حسابها على تويتر: "قريت أخبار أو بمعنى أصح شائعات مالهاش أي أساس من الصحة ومش ‏مظبوطة بالمرة.. بحبك يا صاحبي
ما تدخل محمد عبد الوهاب شقيق شيرين لنفي الخبر وكتب عبر تويتر: "حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل في كل مفتري.. كل ده هري وهبل ومفيش أي حاجة من دي خالص. شيرين في بيتها مع جوزها وأولادها".
أما النجم احمد سعد الذي جاء اسمه في الخبر المتداول كوسيط للصلح بين الزوجين، فنشر صورة تجمعه بحسام حبيب وشيرين عبر حسابه على موقع فيسبوك وأرفقها بتعليق: "اصحابي وحبايبي"
ذكر أن شيرين عبدالوهاب تزوجت مرتين، الأولى من الملحن والموزع الموسيقي محمد مصطفى، واستمر الزواج 5 سنوات وأثمر عن ابنتين هما "مريم وهناء"، وتزوجت من حسام حبيب في أبريل 2018

حريق كبير لمستودع امازون

انشعل حريق كبير في منطقة ريدلاندز ولاية كاليفونيا الامريكية في مستودع  شركة امازون و حاولة رجال الاطفاء ايقاف النار و التهمت العديد من السيارات و لكن لحسن الحظ لم يتاذى الموظفون
و قالت شركة الامازون ’نحن سعداء باننا بخير و شكر خاص لرجال الاطفاء على المساعدة

رابط الفيديو للحريق